1:1 Coaching


I received a promotion that’s more in alignment with my career goals, and I have been able to gracefully transition into this new work experience using these new tools! I am sleeping better and feel more calm throughout my day to day.

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Mandy | Testimonial
Singing Bowls on a Colourful Cloth

I received a promotion that’s more in alignment with my career goals, and I have been able to gracefully transition into this new work experience using these new tools! I am sleeping better and feel more calm throughout my day to day.

I feel grounded and rooted in myself, in my beliefs and in my being. I also feel lighter, less pressure and stress, because I have let go of the patterns that were previously holding me back.

Now I pause before I respond; I realize that there is a space between how I feel and my response. As a result,

I am a better leader and my relationship with my kids has improved.


Where were you before/after this experience of working together?

Before working with Kristin, I was trying to do it all. I felt stress, anxiety and was at the point of exhaustion, but I didn’t understand why I felt that way; it was just how I had operated for so long.

I was not fully present with my family, nor taking care of myself, resting, or recharging. I was always going at full capacity and not putting gas in the tank or taking my foot off the gas. I was really focused on producing things: work, high quality everything. Everything in my life was doing the best and doing a lot of it.

I had a tendency to re-think, stress and ruminate over situations and decisions. Now I can recognize this pattern and know that I can trust myself without second guessing it, and stick with my gut. I have a much greater sense of self-confidence.

I uncovered the underlying root of patterns that were holding me back, and root of where these patterns have come from, and replacing them with things that serve me.


What is the biggest shift you’ve experienced since we’ve begun working together?

I was able to take on this promotion because I feel healthier and have a greater connection to my Authentic Self, up until now I wouldn’t have had the tools to handle it as well.

Now I take time for myself, I meditate, I calm my mind.

I have a deeper sense of my self-worth, knowing that my value is inherent, rather than related to anything that I achieve or produce, or how much I get done on my to-do list.

I am a better leader and it’s improved my relationship with my kids to pause and think before I respond – that there is space between my response


What is your favorite tool + how do you use this in your day to day life?

I am now meditating on a regular basis, and able to relate with different parts of myself to heal, repair, and re-work patterns that were not serving me and as they arise. Working with self-forgiveness has been really powerful as well.